2024 Annual Meeting
March 28, 2024
CRCU's 89th Annual Meeting
Thursday, March 28th
Doors Open at 6:00PM & Meeting Starts at 6:30PM
CRCU Corporate Headquarters
3110 Rollingcreek Drive, Baytown, TX 77521
- Welcome
- Housekeeping Items
- Introduction of Directors
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Invocation
- Verification of Quorum
- Approval of Minutes
- Election of Directors
- Chairman’s Report
- Introduction of Staff
- President’s Report
- Unfinished or New Business
- Adjournment
- Prize Giveaways
Annual Meeting Documents
The CRCU 2023 Meeting Minutes and Annual Report are available upon request.
Virtual Annual Meeting FAQs
What is Zoom?
Zoom is a video communication platform that allows individuals to connect in a virtual space using audio and video capabilities.
Do I need to register or sign up to attend the CRCU 2024 Annual Meeting?
Yes, however, registration can be done in advance or up until 6:20 p.m. on March 28, 2024. Pre-registration is NOT a commitment to attend. To ensure our virtual Annual Meeting provides the best experience for those attending, we ask that you register to receive direct links and information to access our secure Zoom Virtual Meeting Space. Registration also allows us to enter primary account holders, who are present during the Annual Meeting, in the drawing for prize giveaways!
Please note, your registration confirmation email will not come immediately after you submit your Annual Meeting registration. Because the CRCU 2024 Annual Meeting is a member-only event, all registrations are reviewed by CRCU before registration confirmations are sent to members.
Will I have to purchase or download anything?
No. There is no Zoom software purchase necessary to participate in the Annual Meeting and you do not need to create an account with Zoom to participate in the Annual Meeting. If you choose to participate in the Annual Meeting using your computer, tablet, or smartphone, you may be prompted to download the Zoom software to view the video feed from the Annual Meeting.
If you choose not to download the Zoom software, you can still participate in the Annual Meeting using the ‘For Telephone,’ directions provided when you receive your registration confirmation email. These instructions provide dial-in phone numbers that can be called from a landline or cellular device.
Whether you choose to attend the Annual Meeting by computer, tablet, or phone (landline or cellphone) you will be asked for additional meeting details in order to join the Annual Meeting, also found in your registration confirmation email.
When should I ‘arrive’ for the Annual Meeting?
Please join at least 5 minutes early to ensure volume and internet connection are clear. We suggest that members do not wait until March 28th to test their ability to connect to the Zoom platform.
If this is your first time attending a Zoom Virtual Meeting event, you can test your connection prior to attending the Annual Meeting here: https://zoom.us/test
For an overview of joining and participating in the Annual Meeting via the Zoom platform, click here.
How do I participate in the Annual Meeting?
After you register for the Annual Meeting you will receive a registration confirmation email with additional information, including instructions on joining the meeting using a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, or Android device, as well as an option to dial in using a telephone.
Please note, your registration confirmation email will not come immediately after you submit your Annual Meeting registration. As Annual Meeting is a member-only event, all registrations are reviewed by CRCU before registration confirmations are sent to members.
Do I have to use a computer to participate in the Annual Meeting?
You do not have to use a computer to participate in the Annual Meeting. Your registration confirmation will include instructions on joining the meeting using a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Android device, and telephone (landline or cellphone). Using a computer, tablet, or smartphone with the Zoom software will allow you to see and hear the Annual Meeting. Members choosing to only dial in by phone (landline or cellphone) will not be able to see the meeting presentation or have access to all participation options offered through the Zoom software.
Where can I find the Annual Report?
All Annual Meeting documents, including the CRCU 2023 Annual Report and prior minutes can be found in the ‘Annual Meeting Documents’ section above, 14 days prior to the Annual Meeting.
What if I have technical difficulties trying to attend the Annual Meeting?
In the event of technical difficulties, please contact Zoom Support here: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us
Will there be giveaways during the Annual Meeting?
Yes there will be chances to win $1,000 worth of prizes at the live in-person meeting!* To enter for the cash prize drawing, members must RSVP for the annual meeting and check-in at the event. Winners must be present to win.
- Two $250 cash prizes
- Three $100 cash prizes
- Four $50 cash prizes
*Must be in-person to win cash prizes.