two hikers with hands up

Freedom Money Market

The freedom to save your money your way.

Freedom Money Market Accounts

The CRCU Freedom Money Market account is like a checking account and savings account in one, pairing superior earning power with flexible access to your savings when you need it.

What to know

  • Minimum $500 balance to open
  • Average daily balance requirement of $500 to avoid a $10 monthly service fee
  • Interest is compounded daily and paid monthly
  • Interest rate subject to change monthly
  • Debit card transactions and bill pay service are not allowed
  • May not be used as collateral for a loan
kid and talk on mini cart

Why it’s great

  • Competitive yields tiered to reward you for saving more
  • No minimum withdrawal amount
  • Free checks
  • Federally insured up to $250,000 by NCUA
Freedom Money Market** Interest Rate APY*
0.50% 0.50%
$1,000 - $4,999.99
$5,000 - $14,999.99
$15,000 - $24,999.99
$25,000 - $49,999.99
$50,000 - $99,999.99
$100,000 - $249,999.99
$250,000 & Over

*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Terms & conditions subject to change. Minimum to open account is $500. Minimum balance required to earn the advertised annual percentage yield. If account falls below the minimum $500 average daily balance, a $10 monthly service fee applies. Fees could reduce earnings. Interest calculated on the average daily balance, compounded and paid monthly. Interest rate subject to change. Transaction limitations apply, ask for details. Rates accurate as of 03/01/25. CRCU membership required. Contact us for details. 

How to get yours

Open a Freedom Money Market by visiting CRCU branch near you or online. 

family snuggling and playing

Become a CRCU Member

Join our happy family today! Applying for membership couldn’t be easier.
  • A wide field of membership 
  • Easy online application 
  • Access to exclusive benefits and discounts 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the current interest rate?

See our current rates.

How much do you need to open this account?

A $500 minimum deposit is required to open a Freedom Money Market account.

Is there a minimum balance to earn interest or avoid fees?

There is no minimum balance required to earn interest, but you must keep an average daily balance of $500 to avoid a monthly service fee.

Is there a penalty for taking funds out of the account?

Not if you stay within Regulation D limits of six transfers and/or withdrawals per month. Otherwise a fee applies.

May I have a debit card?

No, debit cards are not allowed on this account type.

May I order checks?

Yes. If you clear fewer than three checks per month your next order of checks is free. Otherwise, a fee will apply.

What is the monthly service fee if the average daily balance is less than $500?

The monthly service fee is $10 per month if you do not maintain your average daily balance of $500.