Dad playing with baby

Sprout Savings

Teach your children how to sprout their savings

Teaching the Generation of Tomorrow

Teach your child good financial habits while they are young and help raise them to become a super saver. Our Sprout Account will teach your child to make smart financial decisions and guide them through the banking process.

sprout saver logo

 Why it’s great

  • Available to children ages 0 – 13*
  • Never a monthly maintenance fee or minimum balance required
  • Free Online Banking
  • Free E-Statements and E-Notices Service Access to over 5,000 Shared Branches

group of kids with arms around each other

Need Assistance?

For personal help, drop by your neighborhood CRCU branch or give us a call at
(800) 238-3228.

Contact Us

*Parent and guardian required as joint owner
Children’s Online Privacy Protection
The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) was passed to give parents increased control over what information is collected from their children online and how such information is used. The law applies to websites directed to, and knowingly collect information from children under the age of 13. CRCU website is not directed to children under the age of 13, and we do not knowingly collect personal information from such children.