Day of Caring 2021
Day of Caring 2021
Each year the United Way of Greater Baytown Area and Chambers County works with local nonprofit agencies and organizations to celebrate the spirit of giving through service and to provide meaningful volunteer opportunities that improve our community. This year, the CRCU Family and the staff at Lamar Elementary spent the day beautifying two play grounds at Lamar Elementary.
Through the Baytown Chamber of Commerce Partner's In Education Program, CRCU and Lamar Elementary have been partners in education for 27 years!
Projects included:
- Purchasing picnic tables for each playground.
- Painting benches and teeter-totters.
- Updating tether poles equipment and painting.
- Adding over 20 yards of mulch and spreading.
- Removing current landscaping and planting 20 new bushes.
- Removing current equipment to open up more play space for students to enjoy.
- Pressure washing equipment and sidewalks.
- Fixing drain so water will flow correctly.
Shout out to our Community Partners - Agent Clean of Houston, Texas Maintenance & Landscaping, and Blackmon Plumbing! Each of these outstanding businesses volunteered their time and services, adding to the success of the event! Thank you to Little Lens Media for the amazing video footage!