A Loan You Can Put Stock In
When you purchased stocks, you made an investment in your future. Now make another – by building or rebuilding your good credit. A CRCU Stock-Secured Loan can help you do exactly that with affordable rates.

Benefit From:
- Helps build or re-establish credit
- Lower interest rates
- Most stock-secured loans are automatically approved
- No credit check required
What to know
- Stock loans cannot be made to purchase stock
- Flexible terms avialable
- Borrow from $500 up to 70% of the stock value for ExxonMobil stock or up to 50% of the stock value for other approved stock certificates. Ask a personal financial officer if your stock qualifies.
- Complete an application and sign the document.
Before you apply, be sure to gather the following:
- Stock certificates
- Employment information
- Proof of income (pay check stub or W2)
- If loan is for debt consolidation, provide financial institution name, payment address, account number, and balance of creditor accounts to be paid
- Prior to loan closing, be sure to sign your loan documents in person.
How to get yours
To apply, drop by your neighborhood CRCU branch or give us a call at (800) 238-3228.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why can I only borrow 70% of the value of my stock?
Because stock prices fluctuate, this helps us keep your loan fully protected.
What happens if the stock value decreases?
CRCU will notify you to make arrangements if the stock value significantly decreases.
What happens if the stock splits?
If the stock splits, you are required to bring the additional certificates issued to you that are being pledged.
Can I use my parent’s stock as collateral?
Yes, as long as your parent is a member of CRCU and is added as a signer on the loan.
What if the stock shares are in a brokerage account?
You may visit our Community Resource Investment Services department, and we can arrange an electronic transfer and pledge.
May I have more than one stock loan?
Yes, you may have more than one.