Bike Giveaway for Perfect Attendance
Perfect Attendance Giveaway
A huge congratulations to these winners for attending every day of school this year! Your perfect attendance has paid off, and you've each earned a bicycle & a gift card for a helmet. We appreciate your dedication to your education, and we can't wait to support you along the way.

Congratulations to these winners!
You've earned it! Since we love to see students doing well in school and working hard for their education, we wanted to give you an incentive for staying out of trouble and in class with as few absences as possible. The more days you attend class without missing any school time, the more chances you have of winning some great prizes!

If you've been keeping up with perfect attendance all year long, good work! Your efforts really paid off this month—congratulations on being one of the lucky few who won something special at our Perfect Attendance Giveaway event!

Lamar Elementary, Thank you ALL for allowing us to be involved in y'all's wonderful school!